Classes offered at the 1000-4000 level are for undergraduate students (those who have not completed a Bachelor’s Degree).
1000-level = Freshman or first year
2000-level = Sophomore or second year
3000-level = Junior or third year
4000-level = Senior or fourth year
Courses are commonly listed with an abbreviated department code, a course number and a section number.
For example, MATH 2480-01. In this example, MATH is the abbreviation for Mathematics, 2480 is the course number and -01 is the section number. Some classes will be offered with multiple sections so that students can choose the section that works best with their own class schedules.
When corresponding with your Education Abroad Advisor or with another university department regarding your class choices, please be sure to include this information.
Classes offered at the 5000-6000 level are for graduate students (those who have completed a Bachelor’s Degree).
Classes in the Master of Business Administration program (MBAM, MBAX) and in the College of Law (LAW) are not available for visiting (exchange/study abroad) students.
Classes with section numbers in the 40s are taught online only. You are allowed to take only one online class. Taking more than one will affect the status of your visa.
Section 50 classes are taught on a different campus in another city. It is not possible for you to take classes on that campus.
All music lessons have an additional charge of between $179 and $323 that is not included in exchange contracts. Students enrolled in dance lessons will be charged a studio fee. If you are an exchange student and enroll in a music or dance lesson, you will be responsible to pay the additional cost for the class.
Next, return to the WyoWeb website and click on "Students" under the "WyoRecords" tab.
You will be taken to a Login page. Enter your UW Username and the password you created.
After you enter your username and password, you will be directed to a Password Reset Utility Enrollment. This utility was created to assist students in case they ever forget their username or password. Simply follow the steps provided to complete this. You will only be required to do this one time.
Thank you for creating a WyoWeb account. You can now continue with the registration process. Please read the relevant information on this page to help guide you.
It is very important that you register for at least one class before you come to Laramie.
· You may not be able to apply for housing unless you are enrolled in at least one class, and you must have your housing arranged before you arrive.
Laramie is a small town, and it is very, very difficult to find housing on short notice.
Classes do fill up, so it is important to register as soon as possible in order to get your first choice in classes. If you wait to register until you arrive, you will have a difficult time finding classes.
Before you will be permitted to register for classes, you must log into the Student Health Patient Portal . From this site, click Go Directly to Patient Portal and log in using the WyoWeb username and password you have just created.
On the portal, you will need to upload documentation that you have received two MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccinations.
Student Health Service will verify your vaccinations, and then clear the MMR hold, allowing you to register. Please allow 1-2 days for the verification.
Contact the professor or department for any class (unless it is a college of business class or engineering class – see below) for permission to enroll if you receive an error such as: “Prerequisite and test score error” “Please contact the department of the course” “Class Restriction” “Level Restriction” “Student Attribute Restriction” Introduce yourself as an exchange or study abroad student and briefly describe your qualifications for the class. You can find email addresses for professors on the online directory.
If no professor is listed for a class, write to the department.
When writing to departments or the Education Abroad Office about specific classes, Include the course prefix (such as COJO, ENGL, AMST) along with the course number. For identification purposes, we must have the course prefix and number, such as MGT 3500.
You can find department listings at UWYO Department Listings
If you wish to enroll in a business class and receive one of the error messages listed above, submit a registration request by emailing success@uwyo.edu.
If you are attempting to register in an ACCT, FIN or IMGT, please follow the instructions below. In the College field, enter ‘Business – Exchange.’ You will not be notified when permission is received. 1-3 days after you submit your request, log on to WyoWeb and go to your Registration Status screen (Registration > Prepare for Registration.
You will see the class listed under Registration permits and Overrides). That is where you will see whether enrollment permission has been granted. You will then need to enroll in the class or classes.
If you would like to enroll in an Accounting, Finance or Information Management class, you will need must contact Dr. Nicole Choi (nchoi@uwyo.edu) and Kourtney Faycosh (ksouthar@uwyo.edu).
If you would like to take an Accounting (ACCT), Finance (FIN) or Information Management (IMGT) class, please let us know, so that we can forward a copy of your transcript to the department.
In your email, please ask that approval or denial be copied to the Green Johnson Student Success Center (success@uwyo.edu). Provide your W number; Include the course prefix (such as ACCT, FIN) along with the course number;
For identification purposes, we must have the course prefix and number, such as ACCT 2010.
Exchange/Study Abroad students will not be able to enroll in MGT 4340, MGT 4350, or MGT 4360 unless they have successfully completed MGT 1040 (Legal Environment of Business) at a university within the United States. MGT 3210 and MKT 3210 - priority is given to current degree-seeking College of Business majors and minors.
If you receive one of the registration errors indicated above, please contact Ms. Laurie Bonini (lbonini@uwyo.edu) to request permission to enroll. When writing to Ms. Bonini: Provide your W number; Include the course prefix (such as EE, ME, PETE) along with the course number; For identification purposes, we must have the course prefix and number, such as COSC 3500